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Dreams of Nursing

I never knew I was an entrepreneur…and I certainly never dreamt of being both a nurse and entrepreneur!

Looking back, it is much more clear to me but during my 20s, I was so lost – could never seem to find my “niche”. I generally lasted only a couple of years at any one place – med-surg, then CCU, then Addictions, then NNICU, then Flight Nursing, then Education…ahhh. I actually loved all of them but I didn’t know why I got that itch to move on after only a few years.

I was 12 years old when I applied to be a volunteer at our local hospital..always knew I wanted to be a nurse. Unfortunately, they told me I had to be 13. My birthday was in November and I had applied the summer before by teen years began. After being rejected, I decided stubbornly to type a letter to the Director asking her to please make an exception.

She said YES! I had a fabulous 3 summers volunteering with the elderly and hearing-impaired children…and the first time I got what I wanted (outside of pitching a fit to torchor my parents).

Coming full circle and after all of those years moving around, I finally found my “niche” and the reason I chose Nursing in the first place…to learn something new every day and the flexibility of CHOICE.

  1. February 2, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    i love your blog, i have it in my rss reader and always like new things coming up from it.

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