
Posts Tagged ‘nurse blog’


December 3, 2011 2 comments

So I thought I should start blogging since my life is already so crazy. Wanted some time to myself and I used to love writing as a child…although I feel like I write a lot in the context of my career, it’s generally ‘professional’. My world as a “nurse” has been somewhat non-traditional, but that’s why I’m writing…nurses don’t have to be traditional any longer.

I’ve been on a pretty wild journey throughout my nursing career from working in ICUs hogging the code beeper, to flying sick neonates, to being a clinical instructor for nursing students; all of which I loved. About 6 years ago, I left the hospital to take my entrepreneurial journey…OMG – what was I thinking? Only 30 years old, working in healthcare since my volunteer days at 12 yrs old, and absolutely no idea about business, finance, blah blah.

What a learning curve to pick up all of this stuff on the fly…talk about fake it ’til ya make it! I remember on day 1 after crafting a stellar mission statement and printing it on blue-colored paper, I headed off to our local biz support organization. They told me to put together a Board and seek VC. HUH? Where do I find a Board – in the yellow pages? Why do I have to attend Virginia College? So that’s where I started.